Bend it like Beckham/ Quiero ser como Beckham is the film to be projected this month. It is a story about a girl who follows her dreams in spite of the difficulties she finds to do so in her family and neighbourhood.
Una película sobre el afán de superación de una adolescente que además nos habla de otros valores teniendo como telón de fondo el mundo del fútbol. The film will be presented by the PE teacher Francisco Pazos and we are sure you are going to enjoy it a lot. Don't miss it! ¡No os la perdáis!. La cita es el miércoles 24 de febrero a las 5 de la tarde en el aula A027 /Wednesday 24th February at 5 pm, room A027.
Este nuevo concurso consta de 10 preguntas de cultura general que se publicarán todos los viernes del mes de marzo en este blog, en el tablón de anuncios The English Corner y en la página web del Departamento de Fïsica y Química , que lo organiza. Está dirigido a todos los alumnos del centro y tenéis una semana para depositar las respuestas en la urna que se colocará debajo del tablón The English Corner. Al final habrá grandes premios para los ganadores. Comienza el próximo VIERNES 26 DE FEBRERO. A continuación tenéis las reglas del concurso.
<PARTICIPANTS: All the students at Lucena's High School can participate individually.
CONSISTING ABOUT: Every Friday you'll find a sheet with the Questions of the Week on the noticeboard of The English Corner (Building A hall) AND in the school web page.We wil be asking some questions aboutsubjects, such as Geography, History, Science, Physical Education, Maths, Biology but also about the world of English: language, literature, history, and so on. And there will also be questions about general knowledge.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Once you have found the ANSWERS corresponding to the questions of the week,you should write them on a sheet together with your NAME, FORM, and CLASS GROUP. The sheets should be posted in a letterbox placed next to the English Corner noticeboard (in the main entrance of building A).
DEADLINE: The deadline for posting the answers is the end of breaktime the following Friday. NOTE: Once the new questions of the week are posted, the answers of the previous week won't be accepted.
PUBLICATION OF SOLUTIONS AND SCORE: Every week, the solutions and the scores of the participants will be posted on both The English Corner noticeboard, the school webpage and in the Lucena's blog.
SCORE: Each correct answer will receive 1 point, so you may have a maximum of 10 points each week.
STARTING DATE: The contest will start LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY and The first questions will be posted on February 26TH.
PRIZES: The THREE highest scores will be: given a price, published in “Alucénate”, the school magazine and published as well in the bilingual blog, of course!