jueves, 10 de junio de 2010


The Big Challenge prize giving ceremony was held on June 10th. All the participants received a diploma and an English magazine and the winners of each level also received other prizes such as DVDs or dictionaries in English.

Cabe destacar la buena posición a nivel regional y nacional de los alumnos de 2º Bilingüe, donde Sergio Sánchez García quedó por segundo año consecutivo el segundo clasificado a nivel regional en el nivel de 2º de ESO.

This is the list of the rewarded students:

1º ESO: Marco Benito Kaesbach (1st highest school score and 25th highest regional score) , Mar Sánchez Domenech (2nd highest school score), Alejandro Marco Cortés ( 3rd) , Santiago González-Carvajal (4th), Alvaro Gómez Martínez ( 5th) and Michelle Rabadán de Sousa .

2º ESO: Sergio Sánchez García (1st highest school score and 2nd highest regional score) , Javier Cuevas Padín (2nd school score and 11th highest regional score), Martín Gómez Terol (3rd highest school score and 29th highest regional score), Víctor Alcolea Calles ( 4th at school and 32nd highest regional score), Pablo Peña Romero ( 5th at school and 44th highest regional score) and Pablo Alba Ladrón de Guevara ( 6th at school and 47th highest regional score).
3º ESO: Aránzazu Ortíz Ortega (1st highest school score and 90th highest regional score), Valentina Tsvetanova Zarkova ( 2nd at school) and Silvia Moreno López ( 3rd).
4º ESO: Diana Alina Cornea (1st highest school score and 25th highest school score) , Alejandro Paniagua Tineo (2nd highest school score and 55th highest regional school score).
Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all the participants. We expect to continue counting on your participation next year!


On June 22nd, our drama group will perform the play THE BULLY for all the school in the school hall (salón de actos) in building C at 1.00 pm. (13 horas)

Our drama group has won the 1st Drama in English and French Regional Prize with the performance of this play.

Don't miss it!!


On May 19th, the students of the school drama group, ganadores del primer premio regional de teatro en lengua extranjera con la obra The Bully, went to Almagro to see the classical Spanish play Don Juan Tenorio en el famoso Corral de Comedias de la ciudad manchega.

This outing was the prize for the enormous effort our students have done, rehearsing during break periods and some Friday afternoons and adding to their homework the extra task of memorizing their roles in English.

A pesar de que el viaje fue un poco largo y de que nos tocó un día muy caluroso, all the components of the drama group spent a wonderful day visiting the town, watching the performance and talking to the actors at the end of the play.
For our actors and actresses: En nombre de Rosa y mío (Olga) , esperamos que esta visita, organizada como premio a vuestro esfuerzo en el grupo de teatro, la recordéis siempre y que os ayude a seguir manteniendo vivo el gusanillo del teatro.


March 21st,  Saint Patrick's Day at IES LUIS DE LUCENA    Come to room A027 at break time:  You will learn everything you need to know a...