lunes, 23 de enero de 2012


Next month we will have the opportunity to see an extraordinary film which obtained 4 Oscar awards in 1982  and which was nominated for 7.
La película tiene temática deportiva y por eso ha sido seleccionada por el Departamento de Educación Física para ser proyectada en nuestro cineclub.
Yolanda Pérez, the chief of the PE Department is going to  present the film and it's sure we will learn a lot of interesting things about the film with her.
Por eso, no os la perdáis os esperamos el 2 de FEBRERO  a las 5 de la tarde en A027.
So, don't miss the film ! Remember: FEBRUARY 2nd 5pm Room A027.


One more year our school could enjoy the cultural sessions organised by Burlington Books. Our old friend Nick came to tell the students from...