jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

CINECLUB: LA LA LAND (City of Dreams)

odern-day Los Angeles, the city of stars. Mia and Sebastian are struggling to 
Los Angeles, the city of stars, Mia and Sebastian are struggling to succeed in their respective careers, acting and jazz. Music will accompany them in their search for their dreams and love with already mythical songs such as “Another Day of Sun” or “City of Stars”, Oscar for best original song in 2017. The six-oscar awarded film in 2017 will be projected on:

WEDNESDAY , MAY 16th at 5 pm
 Room A027

La La Land , el musical que triunfó en los Oscars de 2017 con 6 estatuillas, entre ellas la de mejor canción original  ( la famosa "City of Stars"),  estará en nuestro cineclub el :
MIÉRCOLES 16 de MAYO   a las 17 horas
 Aula A027
Wedenesdayin their respective careers, acting and jazz. Music will accompany the protagonists in their search for dreams and love with already mythical songs such as “Another Day of Sun” or “City of Stars”, winner of the Oscar fhttp://www.lalaland.movie/or best original song in 20MOdern17Mo


March 21st,  Saint Patrick's Day at IES LUIS DE LUCENA    Come to room A027 at break time:  You will learn everything you need to know a...