miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2021


 Hi! this is a little video where you can see and listen to Liz explaining some interesting facts about Christmas in the United States. Thanks to Liz and to all of you for coming to see her. 


miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2021


 Would you like to know how the Americans celebrate Christmas? Then, come 
to the assembly hall ( building C)
                          during the break. 

Our nice American language assistant, Liz, will tell us about Christmas in Minnesota and in the USA in general. She will also show us nice pictures and will make our mouth water explaining the delicious menus the Americans eat for the season.

Don't miss American Christmas at Lucena!!

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021


 Once more, the IES Luis  de Lucena has hold its Burlington cultural sessions. On this occasion, the visitor was the English John, who told the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd bilingual classes about the English-speaking world in two different sessions.  Of course, the event took place with all the necessary Covid measures such as social distance and masks . As usual, our students enjoyed  these fun cultural lessons with contests as the "legendary" Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

  Thanks to Burlington Books for their collaboration and we hope to enjoy these sessions again next year!

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2021


Here you are some pictures of the nice Halloween celebration we had at school last Wednesday. We had the visit of a special little witch from Minnesota who told us lots of interesting things about Halloween. We also had some sanitized candy and other surprises. It was real fun!!


martes, 26 de octubre de 2021

CINECLUB: ICE AGE 2 (The Meltdown)

Our "cineclub" is back after the pandemic with a fun and "green" film. Global warming is causing a meltdown similar to the one the Earth experimented thousands of years ago, during the Ice Age.

 Two mammoths  called Manny and Ellie, a sloth called Sid, a saber-toothed tiger called Diego and  Scrat, the crazy squirrel will live lots of adventures trying to survive in the hostile meltdown. Don't miss their exploits, and come to see them on:

            10th  NOVEMBER AT  5  PM.  ROOM A027

No te pierdas las aventuras de los mamuts Manny y Elli, el perezoso Sid, el tigre de dientes de sable Diego y de la ardilla Scrat, tratando de sobrevivir al deshielo que sufrió nuestro planeta al final de la Edad de Hielo. 

            10  de NOVIEMBRE  A LAS 5 DE LA TARDE. AULA A027

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021



It’s  a scary eerie night 

                                    With a terrifying sight 

Where you can see skeletons come alive 

Looking for someone to fight 

                            In order to survive the Halloween night.  

Are you interested in knowing more about this frightening tradition? 
Would you like to know how Liz and her friends celebrate it in Minnesota?

Come to the Assembly Hall  (Edificio C) on November 3rd at break time. 

Our language assistant will explain  to us lots of things about this traditional holiday in the United States and we will see pictures of her most frightening costumes!!
Don't forget to bring a Halloween outfit! There will be surprises and prizes for those dressed for the occasion!!

Remember:  Wednesday, November 3rd!!

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021


These are pictures of Liz's presentation about herself. It was quite interesting, as we learnt many things about her: she has visited sixteen countries, studied in England, taught in Korea...What an exciting life!!

We have also seen pictures of her hometown in Minnesota, Eagan, and we even played a game with the information she gave us. It was a pleasure to see her presentation. Thanks very much, Liz!!

If you want to improve your oral skills in English with Liz, there is an ENGLISH CLUB on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room A110 during breaks.

¡Recordad: ENGLISH CLUB  con Liz , aula A110 , recreos de los martes y jueves!


martes, 5 de octubre de 2021


Hi!! Welcome back to school and to our English live language activities after the long restrictions we have suffered with the COVID 19.

I'm sure you have seen this nice girl at school walking along the corridors at the canteen or even you are lucky enough and she has been in your class.
Yes, you are right, she is LIZ, our new language assistant. If you want to meet her or know more about her, she is going to be in  Building C Assembly Hall  on Wednesday October 13th at the break time to tell us things about her country, life etc.

Don't miss it!!! It will be fun!!!
(In  Building C Assembly Hall there are enough seats to keep social distance by leaving empty seats among the audience) 

 No te pierdas la presentación de nuestra nueva lectora, Liz, el próximo día 13 de Octubre en el recreo en el Salón de Actos del edificio C.  ¡Os esperamos!

(En el Salón de Actos del edificio C hay suficientes sitios como para mantener la distancia de seguridad dejando asientos vacíos entre los asistentes)

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021


These are the winners of the literary contests organised by the English Department this year: The Book You Would like to Read and Love Letters.


1º ESO: 
1st Prize…. The Giant by Tania Felipe Rasero 
2nd Prize….The Adventures of Little Max by Carlos Ruiz Cano

 2º ESO: 
1st Prize... The Alien by Itziar Mas Grupeli 
2nd Prize... The Dragon and Bea by María Fernández Gamo 

3º ESO: 
1st Prize… Tessa by Verónica Polanco Martínez
2nd Prize... The Time Machine by Francisco Palacios Pérez 

4º ESO: 
1st Prize... The Three Little Wolves by Marcos Zamorano García 
2nd Prize... The Turtle and the Hare by Uxía Bohorque Salazar 


Judit Vico (4º ESO) 
Hugo López (4º ESO)

Congratulations to the winners for their splendid stories and letters!!

martes, 1 de junio de 2021



The students of 4th year of ESO Bilingual group have carried out an activity this morning in the school assembly hall. The activity was organized by their History teacher Isidro Gómez as a way to learn the 
organization of the United Nations and learn about a specific historical period.

The setting of the activity was the following: Year 1949, the United Nations meet to try to find a solution to the Cold War in Europe. A group of countries establish their positions and try to reach agreements with other countries in order to create a better scenery for Europe. After the different countries delegates negotiate, alliances are established and finally treaties are signed.

As you can see in the pictures, the students took their roles very seriously even with the formal dress code, and they reached advantageous agreements very quickly. A fun and interesting way to learn History, practise English and public speaking skills.

Presiding the Assembly, their teacher Isidro, Charo the head of studies for 4º and Bachillerato and  Susana Urueña from Plurilingüismo, who paid us a visit to see the activity. Thanks to all of them and of course, congratulations to the students for their wonderful work!

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021



The winners of the contests THE BOOK YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ and LOVE LETTERS will receive their prizes on JUNE 4th, at break time in room A027.


martes, 23 de marzo de 2021



 In spite of the Covid 19 pandemic, and taking all the necessary safety measures, the IES LUIS DE LUCENA has celebrated its cultural sessions in collaboration with Burlington Books on March 22nd and 23rd. One more year, we have received the visit of our friend Nick, who has been interacting with our students presenting the cultural information in a very dynamic and fun way.

Thanks to our Welsh friend, our students of 1st and 2nd ESO bilingual groups learnt about Ireland and Saint Patrick's Day, whereas older students, 3rd, 4th ESO and 1st Bachillerato, had the opportunity to discover very curious facts about the Anglophone world. For instance, they learnt why UK, Australia and Ireland drive on the left or what is the animal that kills more people in the wild Australia. Everything with his hilarious sense of humour and the famous contest Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

We hope to enjoy them again next year and hopefully, in a non-pandemic situation!!

martes, 2 de febrero de 2021

Groundhog Day : El día de la marmota

Groundhog Day is a traditional holiday celebrated on February 2nd in some parts of the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog leaves its burrow on that day, and therefore the groundhog can’t see its shadow, the spring season will arrive early. On the contrary, if it is sunny and the animal can see its shadow, it will come back to its burrow again and winter will persist for six more weeks. The largest Groundhog Day celebration is held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania where they call the groundhog “Phil” and the groundhog emerging from its burrow is broadcast by many TV stations.

There is a famous American comedy about this. This is the movie trailer


    Your teacher will ask you about this in class next Friday. Prepare your answers to these questions. 

What day is Groundhog Day? 

      Where is it celebrated?

           What happens if the groundhog can’t see its shadow?

      When can a Grounhog see its shadow ? What happens then?

       What is Punxsutawney’s groundhog called

       What did Phil do on February 2nd 2021?


One more year our school could enjoy the cultural sessions organised by Burlington Books. Our old friend Nick came to tell the students from...