jueves, 29 de junio de 2023


 Back from Dublin, after one week of lessons on the English language and Irish culture, sightseeing around the main landmarks of the city, enjoying the Irish hospitality of the host families and having fun with our friends in an English-speaking context.  The perfect ending for an intense school year full of activities to improve our English.

Thanks to all the participant students for their good attitude and behaviour and also thanks to the accompanying teachers who made this stay possible and helped me so much in the trip organization and development: Amelia  Ortega and José Sardaña.

With the most representative pictures of our nice trip in the green and grey Ireland, I wish you all the best summer holidays . Enjoy them and have your deserved rest to come back fresh in September to continue improving your English.


Olga Álvaro


One more year our school could enjoy the cultural sessions organised by Burlington Books. Our old friend Nick came to tell the students from...