jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2023



I hope you like the pictures of our celebration. Thanks to Jaime Jódar, the P. E. teacher  for his nice presentation , to María Ángeles, Tobarra,
the music teacher, for her nice Halloween cookies and to all the students that came with an outfit and participated in the activity. 

See you all next year at Halloween!!


Here you are a video of the scary situation we lived in the last Halloween celebration at IES LUIS DE LUCENA. A surprising hold-up took place while we were listening to our P. E. teacher, Jaime, telling us about Halloween.

Thank God, it was a Halloween prank carried out by the students of 2nd of Bachillerato and in the end all of us had fun with it. :)




One more year our school could enjoy the cultural sessions organised by Burlington Books. Our old friend Nick came to tell the students from...