A gripping biopic based on the life of the Mathematics Cambridge Professor Allan Turing, the creator of artificial intelligence, who helped to decipher the secret codes used by the Nazi communication machine called Enigma during World War II.
La película tuvo 8 nominaciones a los Oscars y se llevó la estatuilla al mejor guión adaptado. La interpretación de Benedict Cumberbatch fue aclamadísima por la crítica y estuvo nominado tanto al Oscar como al Globo de Oro como actor principal.
Come to learn about the life of the man who changed the entire world by opening the door to computering and modern technology. You can't miss his interesting and at the same time tragic life. As it is said in the film :
Sometimes it's the people who no one imagines anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine.
Miércoles 17 de febrero a las 17 horas . Aula A027
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