martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


Monsters, stalking through the night,

Halloween is the Night of Fright.
Fear is what this night brings,
Along with many other things.

In ancient times people feared this night,
The night they greeted with fright.
Why they were so scared you will soon see,
On this "All Hollows Eve."

Halloween is back at Luis de Lucena school. This time, our language assistant, Laura, will explain to us how she celebrates it in Northern Ireland. Sweets, quizzes, surprises and many nore things on Thursday ,OCTOBER 27th  at the break time in room A027.

Don't forget to wear a terrifying outfit!! 

Os esperamos en el recreo del 27 de octubre en el aula A027 para la celebración de Halloween.

¡¡No os olvidéis de venir con un atuendo terrorífico!!

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