martes, 18 de octubre de 2016


Monsters, stalking through the night,

Halloween is the Night of Fright.
Fear is what this night brings,
Along with many other things.

In ancient times people feared this night,
The night they greeted with fright.
Why they were so scared you will soon see,
On this "All Hollows Eve."

Halloween is back at Luis de Lucena school. This time, our language assistant, Laura, will explain to us how she celebrates it in Northern Ireland. Sweets, quizzes, surprises and many more things on Thursday ,OCTOBER 27th  at the break time in room A027.

Don't forget to wear a terrifying outfit!! 

Os esperamos en el recreo del 27 de octubre en el aula A027 para la celebración de Halloween.

¡¡No os olvidéis de venir con un atuendo terrorífico!!


Monsters, stalking through the night,

Halloween is the Night of Fright.
Fear is what this night brings,
Along with many other things.

In ancient times people feared this night,
The night they greeted with fright.
Why they were so scared you will soon see,
On this "All Hollows Eve."

Halloween is back at Luis de Lucena school. This time, our language assistant, Laura, will explain to us how she celebrates it in Northern Ireland. Sweets, quizzes, surprises and many nore things on Thursday ,OCTOBER 27th  at the break time in room A027.

Don't forget to wear a terrifying outfit!! 

Os esperamos en el recreo del 27 de octubre en el aula A027 para la celebración de Halloween.

¡¡No os olvidéis de venir con un atuendo terrorífico!!

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016


Hi! Welcome to our cinema club. To start this season, we have selected the film INSIDE OUT.
An adventure animation film where emotions are the main characters. Disgust, fear, joy, sadness and anger will fight to take control of one 11-year-old girl's mind.

Una emotiva y divertida película donde además de aprender inglés, reflexionaremos sobre el papel que tienen en nuestra vida las emociones.

Don't miss it! On November 2nd at 5 pm  (room A027), you've got an appointment with your emotions!
¡Recordad!: El 2 de noviembre a las 5 de la tarde en el aula A027, tenéis una cita con el mundo de las emociones. ¡Os esperamos!


jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016


Hi!! Welcome back to school and to our English language activities. 
I'm sure you have seen this nice girl at school walking along the corridors at the canteen or even you are lucky enough and she has been in your class.
Yes, you are right, she is LAURA, our new language assistant, if you want to meet her or know more about her, she is going to be in room A027  on Tuesday October 11th at the break time to tell us things about her country, life etc.

Don't miss it!!! It will be fun!!!
 No te pierdas la presentación de nuestra nueva lectora, LAURA, el próximo día 11 de Octubre   en el recreo en el aula A027. Una ocasión estupenda para conocerla y practicar tu inglés. ¡Os esperamos!


                                                   This term's film, Hidden Figures ,  tells the story of   three incredible African-Ame...