martes, 31 de octubre de 2017



We'll open the film season with  MOANA, the animation tale of a Polynesian teenager’s quest to save her home  island. The film is full of outstanding visuals, earworm songs and heart-swelling messages about respect for the past and hopes for the future. Don't miss it!!

No hay que perderse la película con la que abrimos la temporada de nuestro cineclub. VAIANA, la historia de una adolescente polinesia que tendrá que salvar su isla. Un film con unas imágenes impresionantes, unas canciones muy pegadizas y un mensaje sobre el respeto a nuestro pasado y la esperanza en el futuro, que te robará el corazón.

NOVEMBER 8th at 5pm in room A027
8 noviembre a las 17.00 h en el aula A027  

lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017


Here you are some pictures of today's Halloween celebration at school. We learnt some more things about this mainly American festivity thanks to our PE teacher, Jaime Jódar, who lived in the USA for some time. There was also a video projection and we ate some terrifying sweets. Thanks to all the participants too!! See you in next year' s celebration!!

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017


Halloween is back at "Luis de Lucena" school. Don't miss the special celebration we are holding 
next MONDAY OCTOBER 30th in room A027 at break time.

Celebraremos Halloween en el recreo del próximo 
lunes 30 de octubre en el aula A027.

There will be great surprises, quizzes, terrifying sweets... and we will practice our English listening and speaking.

Don't miss it!! 
 And bring some Halloween outfit for the occassion!!

¡No os lo perdáis y traed alguna prenda apropiada para la ocasión!


                                                   This term's film, Hidden Figures ,  tells the story of   three incredible African-Ame...