lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


Here they are the scores of the first week. Como podéis ver ha habido una participación bastante numerosa y la competición está muy reñida. We encourage you to go on taking part in the contest. Good luck and don't forget that you can download the questions for the second week from Miguel Villegas's ( the creator of the contest) web page:

1 Benito Kaesbach, Marco 1A :10 points
2 Glez-Carvajal Centenera, Santiago 1A: 10 points
3 Herrero Vega, Oscar 1A :10 points
4 Rabadán de Sousa, Michelle 1A: 9 points
5 Jiménez Arroba, Estrella 1A: 8 points
6 Oñoro Salaices, Nerea 1A : 7 points
7 Shaffhauser Mermoz , Nicole Aileen 1B: 8 points
8 Fernández Arroyo, Aitana 1B : 7 points
9 Espinosa Martínez, Marina 4A: 10 points
10 Martínez Sanz, Jaime 4A: 10 points
11 Cornea , Diana Alina 4A : 9 points
12 Ovaco Guamán, Diana Gisella 4A: 9 points
13 Blas Gutiérrez, Noelia de 4A: 9 points
14 Douas Maadi, Mohamed Jihad 4B: 10 points
15 Manzanera Ruiz, Coral 4B: 10 points
16 Orihuela Arévalo, Manuel 4B: 10 points
17 Martínez Gotor, Alejandro 4B :9 points
18 Paniagua Tineo, Alejandro 4B : 9 points
19 Vicente Ángel, Ángel 4B: 9 points
20 Sotodosos San Clemente, Patricia 4B: 8 points
21 Soporan , Adrian Ioan 4B: 8 points
22 Chasquibol Aguilar, Waldir Harolt 4B: 8 points
23 Herreros de Miguel, Cristian Daniel 1BCH : 9 points
24 Abad Abad, Adrián 1BCH : 9 points
25 Schaffhauser Mermoz, Brenda Denise1BCH: 8 points
26 Daoudy , Issam 1BCH : 8 points
27 Martínez Fernández, Laura 1BCH: 8 points
28 Salgüero Gómez, Sofía 1BCH: 8 points
29 González López, Luis Antonio 1BCH : 6 points
30 Chamero González, Ana Belén 1BCH : 6 points

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