lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010


Here are some pictures of Thanksgiving Celebration at our school last Thursday. As you can see, we cooked lots of food to taste on this traditional day: stuffing, cramberry sauce, apple sauce, pumpkin pie, carrot pie, and mashed potatoes. Maggie explained to us the history and the importance that this day has for the Americans and then, all of us could eat the typical food of the day.
As for the Thanksgiving Quiz, the winners were Estrella Jiménez Arroba, Michelle Rabadán de Sousa, Aitana Fernández and Mar Sánchez Domenech in 2º year of ESO . Alba Benito Kaesbach and Azahara Layna in 1st year of ESO. Most students in the bilingual group of 3º ESO did it quiet well too (Martín Gómez Terol, Sergio García, Roberto Granda..). The prizes were some American sweets and some rubber bracelets. ¡Enhorabuena a los ganadores y gracias a todos por asistir!
Y ahora, una pregunta para ver si habéis aprendido cosas sobre el día de acción de gracias: What is the last float of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? Esperamos vuestras respuestas como comentarios a la entrada.

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