lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018


Here you are the terrifying pictures from Halloween celebration at school on Wednesday October 31st.
Our assistant, Michael, told us lots of interesting facts and stories about Halloween and those who participated the most got some scary sweets. It was great fun!!

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


An animation film set in Scotland opens the cinema season. A girl that won't follow the rules established for women in ancient Scottish clans. Come to meet Merida on: 
Wednesday, November 7th.
(Room A027.  Time: 5 pm)

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018


Monsters, stalking through the night,
Halloween is the Night of Fright.
Fear is what this night brings,
Along with many other things.

In ancient times people feared this night,
The night they greeted with fright.
Why they were so scared you will soon see,
On this "All Hollows Eve."

Halloween, our favourite autumn festivity is approaching. This year, our American language assistant, Michael, will tell us how he celebrates it at home, in Florida. Sweets, quizzes, surprises and many more things on:


(Room A027. Break Time)

Dont forget to wear a terrifying outfit!!

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018


Michael Russo, our new language assistant, has introduced himself with a presentation this morning (October 10th) during the break. 
He told us about his hometown, Miami (Florida), his family, friends and his life in Spain.
Hemos aprendido muchas cosas sobre los EEUU, los huracanes que de vez en cuando llegan a Florida y a la vez hemos practicado nuestra comprensión oral en inglés.
If you would like to know more things about him and  his country and pratise your English,  you can go to:

 Room A100 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at break time . (The English Club)

Así que si queréis saber más sobre Michael y practicar conversación en inglés, estará en:
  Aula A100 todos los miércoles y jueves en el recreo. 

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018


Welcome back to school after the long summer holidays!! This new school year starts with some good news for our English learning: We have a language assistant to help in our school. His name is Michael and he will introduce himself on WEDNESDAY  OCTOBER 10th in ROOM A027 at break time. 

De vuelta un año más, tras las vacaciones de verano y con muy buenas noticias para nuestro aprendizaje del inglés: Este año sí tenemos auxiliar de conversación en nuestro centro. Se llama Michael y se presentará el próximo MIÉRCOLES 10 de Octubre en el aula A027 a la hora del recreo.

By the way, can you guess where Michael comes from? 
The pictures above are a big clue!!

¿De dónde vendrá nuestro lector? Las fotos de arriba pueden ser una pista. 

If you want to check your guess, don't miss Michael's introduction on

¡¡Os esperamos!!

jueves, 19 de abril de 2018

CINECLUB: LA LA LAND (City of Dreams)

odern-day Los Angeles, the city of stars. Mia and Sebastian are struggling to 
Los Angeles, the city of stars, Mia and Sebastian are struggling to succeed in their respective careers, acting and jazz. Music will accompany them in their search for their dreams and love with already mythical songs such as “Another Day of Sun” or “City of Stars”, Oscar for best original song in 2017. The six-oscar awarded film in 2017 will be projected on:

WEDNESDAY , MAY 16th at 5 pm
 Room A027

La La Land , el musical que triunfó en los Oscars de 2017 con 6 estatuillas, entre ellas la de mejor canción original  ( la famosa "City of Stars"),  estará en nuestro cineclub el :
MIÉRCOLES 16 de MAYO   a las 17 horas
 Aula A027
Wedenesdayin their respective careers, acting and jazz. Music will accompany the protagonists in their search for dreams and love with already mythical songs such as “Another Day of Sun” or “City of Stars”, winner of the Oscar f best original song in 20MOdern17Mo

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2018


On Friday 16th March our school celebrated Saint Patrick's Day in a very special way. We received the visit of Jon, from Burlington Books, to tell us about Ireland and its patron saint's day. He also organised the contest "who wants to be a millionaire?" to check the students' knowledge about Ireland and other Enlish-speaking countries. Most students got very nice prizes, in some cases thanks to the phone call that Jon's mother kindly answered to help them with the right answer. It was a very enjoyable day in which we learnt many things, practised our English and had great great fun!!

miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018


Hidden Figures tells the story of  three incredible African-American women, Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, who worked as “human computers” at NASA in a time (the 60s) when to be a colored woman in USA was a difficult issue. Thanks to their intelligence and determination, these women got to cross all gender, race and professional lines and they continue being an inspiration for future generations.

Para conmemorar el día de las mujeres científicas (11 de febrero), hemos decidido proyectar la  película Figuras ocultas, como homenaje a estas tres mujeres que a pesar de todos los obstáculos que encontraron debido a su género y raza, consiguieron grandes logros en la era de la carrera espacial estadounidense. 

Here you can have a look at the film trailer:

The film will be projected on February 21st at 5 pm in room A027

Don't miss it!!

Recordad: el día 21 de febrero a las 5 de la tarde en el aula A027. ¡Os esperamos!


                                                   This term's film, Hidden Figures ,  tells the story of   three incredible African-Ame...