lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2019


Here you are the pictures of Halloween celebration on October 31st. Thanks to the teacher Adrián Gómez for his wonderful presentation and to all the students that took part in the event. See you in next year's celebration!!

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019


 Are you interested in knowing more about this frightening tradition? 
Come to room A027 on October 30th at break time. Adrian, the Biology teacher, will tell us lots of interesting things about it and how it is celebrated in the United States where he was living for several years.

There will be a quiz and some prizes for the winners and for those dressed in a terrifying way.

Don't forget!  Wednesday OCTOBER 30TH at the break!!

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019


Welcome back to the English Corner! We are back to work after the summer holidays and to start the school year with energy and magic we have selected the brand new animation film WONDER PARK. 
June, the protagonist, is a girl who likes creating her own fantasy theme park playing with her mum. One day, that wonder park they imagine becomes real. However, it is in trouble and she has to help the talking animals working there to save the park. Will she get it?

The projection will be on OCTOBER 23rd at 5 pm in room A027 .  

    ¡No te pierdas esta historia de fantasía el miércoles 23 de octubre! ¡La diversión está asegurada!

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019


To finish our school cinema season, we will project BILLY ELLIOT, a film that although released in the year 2000, has become very popular again due to the musical based on it.
If you have already seen the musical or you plan to see it, you should give the film a try to know more about the story.

Wednesday, May 15th at 5 pm . Room A027

Don't miss it!!

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019


One more year, our school has received the visit of a native speaker sent by Burlington Books in order to carry out some cultural sessions. These sessions deal with the English-speaking countries and have been offered to students from 1st of ESO to 1st of Bachillerato.
Nick, fue la persona enviada este año y nos explicó datos muy interesantes sobre los países anglófonos además de organizar el famoso concurso "¿Quién quiere ser millonario?" ,que como en años anteriores atrapó al público presente.
Thanks to Nick and Burlington Books for these interesting sessions in which our students had the opportunity to learn many things and practise their English in an real and funny way. Sometimes he was even hilarious!! 


Wonder was the film chosen for the second term at LUIS DE LUCENA cinema. It was projected on March 20th and all the students who saw it agreed on the fact that it was funny, emotional, gripping and above all, it had  lots of values and a lot of food for thought. If you couldn't come to the projection, it is available at the school library. 

martes, 19 de marzo de 2019


Here you are the pictures of Michael, our language assistant, explaining all the legends and myths about Saint Patrick in this traditional festivity at our school. We had a great time and learnt many important aspects concerning this "green" day.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019


March 13th,  Saint Patrick's Day at IES LUIS DE LUCENA  

Come to room A027 at break time: Our language assistant, Michael, will tell you anything you need to know about this special celebration. 

 Don't forget to wear something green!!!


                                                   This term's film, Hidden Figures ,  tells the story of   three incredible African-Ame...