martes, 23 de marzo de 2021



 In spite of the Covid 19 pandemic, and taking all the necessary safety measures, the IES LUIS DE LUCENA has celebrated its cultural sessions in collaboration with Burlington Books on March 22nd and 23rd. One more year, we have received the visit of our friend Nick, who has been interacting with our students presenting the cultural information in a very dynamic and fun way.

Thanks to our Welsh friend, our students of 1st and 2nd ESO bilingual groups learnt about Ireland and Saint Patrick's Day, whereas older students, 3rd, 4th ESO and 1st Bachillerato, had the opportunity to discover very curious facts about the Anglophone world. For instance, they learnt why UK, Australia and Ireland drive on the left or what is the animal that kills more people in the wild Australia. Everything with his hilarious sense of humour and the famous contest Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

We hope to enjoy them again next year and hopefully, in a non-pandemic situation!!


                                                   This term's film, Hidden Figures ,  tells the story of   three incredible African-Ame...