viernes, 2 de julio de 2010


The last English activity we planned to finish the school year was the performance of the play The Bully on June 22nd.
Entre el público asistente se encontraba la Delegada Provincial de Eduación ,Reyes Estévez, y la Asesora Provincial de Plurilingüismo, Susana Urueña, quienes felicitaron a todos los miembros del grupo de teatro por el trabajo realizado.
The performance was a success, and after it, some of the school students, who had seen the play, asked questions to our actors and actresses about the drama group, the play etc.
Queremos agradecer a nuestras dos invitadas que encontrasen un hueco en su apretada agenda para ver nuestra representación. Para nuestro grupo de teatro representó muchísimo que la máxima autoridad provincial de educación y la asesora de plurilingüismo reconocieran el trabajo realizado por nuestro grupo de teatro.
The two English teachers in charge of the drama group ,Rosa Pinilla and Olga Alvaro, would also like to thank their colleagues of the English Department as they gave them a wonderful bunch of flowers. They have been very nice supporting us in all the activities we have organised.
Después de esta bonita despedida de curso, queremos desearos a todos un feliz verano y esperamos volver a reencontrarnos en septiembre. So, enjoy the summer holidays , don't forget your English and we hope to see all of you in the activities we will organise next year. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER!! ¡FELIZ VERANO!

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