martes, 1 de junio de 2021



The students of 4th year of ESO Bilingual group have carried out an activity this morning in the school assembly hall. The activity was organized by their History teacher Isidro Gómez as a way to learn the 
organization of the United Nations and learn about a specific historical period.

The setting of the activity was the following: Year 1949, the United Nations meet to try to find a solution to the Cold War in Europe. A group of countries establish their positions and try to reach agreements with other countries in order to create a better scenery for Europe. After the different countries delegates negotiate, alliances are established and finally treaties are signed.

As you can see in the pictures, the students took their roles very seriously even with the formal dress code, and they reached advantageous agreements very quickly. A fun and interesting way to learn History, practise English and public speaking skills.

Presiding the Assembly, their teacher Isidro, Charo the head of studies for 4º and Bachillerato and  Susana Urueña from Plurilingüismo, who paid us a visit to see the activity. Thanks to all of them and of course, congratulations to the students for their wonderful work!

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