martes, 26 de octubre de 2021

CINECLUB: ICE AGE 2 (The Meltdown)

Our "cineclub" is back after the pandemic with a fun and "green" film. Global warming is causing a meltdown similar to the one the Earth experimented thousands of years ago, during the Ice Age.

 Two mammoths  called Manny and Ellie, a sloth called Sid, a saber-toothed tiger called Diego and  Scrat, the crazy squirrel will live lots of adventures trying to survive in the hostile meltdown. Don't miss their exploits, and come to see them on:

            10th  NOVEMBER AT  5  PM.  ROOM A027

No te pierdas las aventuras de los mamuts Manny y Elli, el perezoso Sid, el tigre de dientes de sable Diego y de la ardilla Scrat, tratando de sobrevivir al deshielo que sufrió nuestro planeta al final de la Edad de Hielo. 

            10  de NOVIEMBRE  A LAS 5 DE LA TARDE. AULA A027

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