martes, 19 de marzo de 2013


 Here they are some pictures taken at Saint Patrick's celebration. As we promised,  all green-clad students were given a gift. Two of them  ( Daniel Torres and Bastian Aguirre)  had an extra gift due to their original Saint Patrick's dressing and hairstyling .
The winners of Saint Patrick's 10-question quiz were also rewarded with some green green prizes. The latter were: 
 Susana Carrillo, Ane Fernández, Laura Martínez and Esteban Segura (2º ESO).

Estrella Jiménez  and Nerea Oñoro ( 4º ESO

But the most important thing in this celebration was the speech given by Peter MacGrath, teacher at EOI in Guadalajara, English by nationality but with lots of Irish ancestors in his family ,who was so kind as to come to our school to tell us more about the history of Saint Patrick. We are really  grateful to him as he gave our students the opportunity to listen to a native speaker . After this, some students in 2º ESO performed an Irish dance that was the perfect finale for our particular Saint Patrick's Day celebration.

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